About NewsGame

NewsGame was founded in 2012 as an informal, collaborative effort by a number of writers, schools of journalism and international media production partners. NewsGame is a not-for-profit site intended to facilitate the exchange of perspectives on a variety of issues related to the news industry. These issues include everything from the latest technological developments, design concepts and challenges, content acquisition, ethical considerations and production issues.

The site is designed to both provide informed opinion on the news industry and to stimulate and disseminate thought leadership. This content will be presented in the form of editorials that will be open for comment. NewsGame seeks to engage journalism students, news hounds, production and design staff of major broadcasters and publishers, and other stakeholders in the industry in active debate around key news issues. Special focus will be given to industry innovations and media issues that are likely to have a long term impact.

If you would like to contribute an article or suggest an area that might be of interest, please contact us.

NB: Since we have already had numerous queries about publishing articles on online gambling, online casinos and online games on NewsGame, we would urge visitors to please refrain from making these requests as these are NOT in line with the objectives of this website. Thanks!